spaghetti Weighing and packaging machine usage demonstration

Packing machine for long goods pasta with weigher

Efficient, combination of simplicity, high quality and high level performances, 

which make it a reference machine in long-cut pasta packaging. 

Technological machine, it can be equipped with all the latest-generation 

devices: zero air device, camera system for fragment detection, print check camera, stripping device. 

Versatile machine that ca be combined with different weighing devices such 

as: AP60/AP120 single/double weighing unit with a special device to check and adjust the actual weight automatically; AP100/AP150 single/double weighing unit with a special device to check and adjust the actual weight automatically.

Products: Spaghetti, Rice pasta, Fettuccine, Bucatini, Linguine, Mafalde, stick Noodles.

Hfirst is the leader in the design and production of automatic systems for the food packaging sector. 

For the past 25 years, we have been convinced that packaging, if done to perfection, 

enhances the quality of the product. 

That’s the reason why we continue to improve our processes and to develop new ones.

The constant investment in research and collaborations with specialized companies allows us 

to offer the best product on the market for sustainability, productivity and cutting edge.

If you need  spaghetti packing machine and spaghetti weighing machine

Contact us



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